Please be advised that StrataSync services will be unavailable Saturday, September 14th, from 00:01 until 6:00 AM EDT (UTC-4) for US Server hosted accounts, and from 0001 until 0600 CEST (UTC +2) for accounts on the EU (Germany) Server.
The following web functions, reports, and Instrument synchronization will be unavailable during this maintenance window.
- {VIAVI test instrument synchronization with StrataSync/CERTiFi}
- {StrataSync and CERTiFi web user interface}
- {StrataSync APIs/external interfaces}
- {StrataSync scheduled and notification emails, including saved views and reports}
- {StrataSync Reports}
- {StrataSync Analytics dashboards}
- {StrataSync data exchange links}
During this period StrataSync will be upgraded to release version 16.7 for database upgrade and AWS configuration updates.
StrataSync 16.7 does not contain any new functionality, features or bug fixes.