Register here for JDSU’s “Inside StrataSync” WebEx live sessions ( April 10 1:30 PM Next Session)

Inside StrataSync is a series of web based learning sessions to help you get more value from your JDSU StrataSync subscriptions. These sessions are intended for the StrataSync Administrators and Users.

To register for these Inside StrataSync Webex live seminars, click the links below:

  •  April 10th 1:30 PM EDT   – Introduction to StrataSync  Click Here to register

To view previously recorded content, click here: 

Inside StrataSync:  Session 1 Chapter 1 Home Screen Overview (15:00)
Select and View Test Data  – Selecting and viewing Data  via the Data Panels –  (2:15)

Watch Here for Upcoming Events – Inside StrataSync – A series of live web learning sessions.

To assist you in getting the most value from your StrataSync Subscription, JDSU  presents an ongoing series of Webinars, covering StrataSync setup, use and configuration, and instrument interaction.

These WebEx  events are by invitation, please feel free to forward the invitation to others in your organization who may use or interact with StrataSync. Registration will be required for attending the live sessions and for accessing previously recorded content.

You may view the event schedules, and register for an event by responding to the webinar invitation that will be emailed to you, you may also register by clicking on links to be provided in the “What’s New” section of the StrataSync home page.

There will be a question and answer period following each session, and your suggestions for future webinar content are welcome.

Please watch for your invitation, and look for  the Inside StrataSync schedule in “What’s New” for future events