Service Tech Tool Nips Repeats in the Bud

Repeat service calls consume a lot of time and effort, not to mention the cost to operations and potential to lose customers in this very competitive market. Often initial service attempts lean toward expediency and the easy “solution” is to replace the CPE. Unfortunately, most of the time the problem is not CPE related. These calls are typically caused by cable, connectors, and craftsmanship issues.
Most service techs are equipped with at least a meter. If the meter is used, it can definitely help find problems in the home network. Optimally the tech would have a tool that simplifies and speeds a complete test of the home network.
This tool is now available, and is called SmartID. Users of the innovative SmartID tool are finding that it helps them solve problems quickly, not only by determining that there is a problem, but pinpointing its location by providing the distance from the nearest network component.
As the effectiveness of this tool is proven, cable systems are deploying them throughout their service tech workforce, and are saving time, money and customers. For more information see our web site or contact your JDSU representative.

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